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Account 0: Goods and services by units, account name and time

Table: Account 0: Goods and services (2003-2021) [NRE01]



Josef Kâjangmat,, Daniel Østergaard Madsen,
Million DKK
Statistics Greenland
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Account 0: Goods and services by units, account name and time

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Current prices, million dkk     
01 Output30,949.031,515.432,632.932,953.433,976.3
02 Taxes less subsidies on products637.5771.3769.4760.6753.9
03 Taxes on products857.31,009.61,009.8998.11,024.0
04 Subsidies on products219.8238.3240.4237.5270.1
05 Imports of goods and services8,193.48,745.410,224.79,428.510,114.2
06 Imports of goods5,309.65,717.36,902.86,276.06,664.1
07 Imports of services2,883.93,028.23,321.93,152.53,450.2
08 Total Resources (1+2+5)39,779.941,032.143,627.043,142.544,844.4
09 Intermediate consumption12,757.612,990.613,411.913,545.414,386.3
10 Final consumption expenditure14,913.915,268.315,759.715,936.516,467.0
11 Private consumption expenditure6,928.26,943.57,005.27,116.17,288.9
12 Off Government consumption expenditure7,985.78,324.88,754.58,820.49,178.1
13 Individual consumption expenditure4,762.04,986.05,158.25,098.35,278.5
14 Collective consumption expenditure3,223.83,338.83,596.33,722.13,899.6
15 Gross fixed capital formation4,446.54,195.26,250.96,409.66,781.9
16 Exports of goods and services7,661.98,578.08,204.67,251.07,209.1
17 Exports of goods5,574.46,432.76,007.75,697.05,417.2
18 Exports of services2,087.62,145.32,196.91,554.11,791.9
19 Total use (9+10+15+16+19)39,779.941,032.143,627.143,142.544,844.3

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5 most recent time periods
Figures for 2003-2019 are final figures and 2020-2021 figures are preliminary figures. It is not possible to simply aggregated chained value by level, see publication for further details.
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