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Erhvervenes produktion efter enhed, branche og tid

Tabel: Erhvervenes produktion (2003-2021) [NRD0318]



Josef Kâjangmat, joka@stat.gl, Daniel Østergaard Madsen, daos@stat.gl
Mio. kr.
Grønlands Statistik
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Erhvervenes produktion efter enhed, branche og tid

This page shows the results of the figures you selected on the variable-page in PxWeb. On this result-page you can download the numbers in another format, pivot or edit them. You can also save them as a saved query, which can be sent to others or used as a link the next time you want to see these numbers with new time periods.
Løbende priser     
A Fiskeri og fangst4.860,54.868,55.038,74.800,94.849,7
B Råstofudvinding195,9207,6241,5265,3315,9
C Industri1.697,02.364,42.164,72.020,61.906,3
D Forsyning og renovation1.039,2930,5902,81.011,5993,4
E Bygge- og anlægsvirksomhed3.600,43.367,63.651,24.318,34.190,1
F Handel2.739,82.430,62.776,12.931,22.960,3
G Transport3.142,43.336,83.335,22.977,73.283,4
H Hoteller og restauranter703,3721,6729,2565,3699,2
I Post, tele, IT, radio, TV mv.1.305,21.262,61.262,51.229,31.251,3
J Finansiering og forretningsservice3.170,13.150,53.253,73.566,43.891,8
K Offentlige og personlige tjenester8.495,28.874,89.277,19.267,09.635,2

Saved query 90718836-b1cc-4ead-ad6a-a868cb07d7e3
5 most recent time periods
Tallene for 2003-2019 er endelige tal og 2020-2021 er foreløbige tal. Det er ikke muligt at lave en simple aggregering af kædede værdier, se publikation for yderligere detaljer.


Produktion i alt
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